

Maldives Weather

The weather in the Maldives is split into the North-Easterly Season(December to May) and the Westerly Season (May to December).

Although the hours of sunshine do not differ very much between the seasons (8 hours average per day), occasional rain falls mainly during the Westerly Season.

The wind in the dry season is light to moderate from the Nort-East, in the wet season it is typically moderate from the South-West. Squalls rarely bring more than 30 knots of wind.

This makes the Maldives a year-round destination with a low season from June to August.

Your Maldives Holiday and the best Manta Ray Diving Spots

Your Maldives Holiday and the best Manta Ray Diving Spots

The islands in the Maldives are spread across an area of approximately 820km from north to south and 130km from east to west.

These islands are grouped together into 26 clusters, also known as atolls, which consist of coral reefs on top of a volcanic mountain range that rests around 50 meters below the surface.

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Posted by Eline Vijverberg on Friday, January 31, 2020 Views: 3174